Industrial Tomato with 3 Strategic Nutrition products of COMPO EXPERT / The Greek experience
Three (3) COMPO EXPERT΄s Strategic Nutrition products for the Industrial Tomato highlighted the project of “INDUSTRIAL TOMATO IN GREECE”!
* Basfoliar® Avant Natur
* Basfoliar® Kelp
* Basfoliar® Combi Stipp
The Industrial Tomato Crop was very IMPORTANT in the region of Macedonia, Greece in the previous years but due to many reasons, it was missing from the region.
A common Progect between Euroagro SA & COMPO EXPERT Hellas (Tomato. EXPERT) was initiated back in 2020 and the results were quite positive (at least).
Mr. Apostolis Ioannidis Τόλης Ιωαννίδης, CEO of Euroagro SA spoke in Keys2MyCrops Channel about this new beggining.
AI: Hello, my name is Tolis Ioannidis and I am the President & CEO of the Euroagro Α.Ε. Group of Companies.
Our Group’s philosophy is to provide a one stop shop support in our clients. That means, in addition to the supply of fertilizers and pesticides we provide all the agro-supplies needed, included the technical support as well as the trade of the final product.
Under this logic, we either buy the final product from the farmers either we try to find reliable clients to our collaborative farmers.
Such an action is now made here in the area of Pella and Stavros (Imathia region), with the Industrial tomato. A crop that has been abandoned for years, seems to be starting again and a great demand is expressed by the tomato processing factories.
In collaboration with Damavand SA and other local partners, we have created an informal, say, group of producers, around 300 acres, which this year we will transplant industrial tomato plants.
Together with Ms. Evangelia Christodoulou, who will be the Head of a Team of agronomists, specializing in plant protection and nutrition, we place a “bet” to reach and produce the quantities per ha used to be harvested in the past.
EUROAGRO undertakes the palnning with the support of COMPO EXPERT HEllas agritechnicians, the guidance and supply of the necessary consumables to the farmers and the product΄s delivery to the tomato processing factories.
The payment is secured in the form of Contract Farming by the tomato processing factories and the “bet” is that the 300 acres to be tripled the next year adding a new crop player apart of the cotton mono-culture.