Strawberry Crop in Germany by Keys 2 My Crops International Project

Simon Vocke is working as a Product & Crop Manager at COMPO EXPERT Germany, where he gained extensive knowledge and expertise.
Simon is sharing his knowledge on how strawberries are grown in #Germany on an area of about 10,000 hectares. He is speaking about the different aspects of the growing process, from soil preparation to harvesting, and sharing some #tips and tricks along the way.
More videos are going to be released from other branches of #COMPO_EXPERT, each showcasing a unique aspect of the strawberry production process. Each video is informative and engaging, and people all over the world are able to tune in to learn more.
Thanks to Keys 2 My Crops of COMPO EXPERT, people will gain a better understanding of global #strawberry production, and the videos are helping to inspire a new generation of farmers and agricultural enthusiasts.
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