ORGANIC FARMING and TerraPlus® Solub – A relationship of Sustainability –

ORGANIC FARMING and TerraPlus® Solub
– A relationship of Sustainability –

The FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) named last year as “International Plant Health Year 2020”.

This message is not only for 2020. It is still valid for 2021 as well.
If you are wondering what is this all about, the answer lies back to a new (old) approach. The Sustainable way of agriculture and farming.

The concept of Sustainability lies at the heart of the debates that currently exist over the use of the planet’s natural resources, yet there is no consensus on its meaning despite its intuitive appeal.
Some have argued that, for example, organic farming and sustainable agriculture are synonymous, others regard them as separate concepts that should not be equated.

According to the British scholar Jules Pretty several key principles are associated with sustainability in agriculture such as :

1. The incorporation of biological and ecological processes such as nutrient cycling, soil regeneration, and nitrogen fixation into agricultural and food production practices.

2. Using the expertise of farmers to both productively work the land as well as to promote the self-reliance and self-sufficiency of farmers.

3. Solving agricultural and natural resource problems through the cooperation and collaboration of people with different skills. The problems tackled include pest management, plant nutrition and irrigation.

It “considers long-term as well as short-term economics because SUSTANABILITY is readily defined as forever, that is, agricultural environments that are designed to promote endless regeneration”. itbalances the need for resource conservation with the needs of farmers pursuing their livelihood.

A new range of product come from COMPO EXPERT to support this approach in the daily life of the growers
The TerraPlus® Soluble range

By those products the growers not only can supply the needed nutrients and free aminoacids for the plants but at the same time contribute a lot to the soil health by enriching the Organic matter of the soil.

This full series can be applied through the fertigation method (irrigation + fertilization).

The products can be used in the ORGANIC FARMING as well
They have a high content in:
– Nutrients
– Free amino acids
– Organic Matter

The application Recommendations in vegetables are:
– Dissolution of 60-90 kg / 1000 L water
– 15-30 kg / application
– Complement with the TerraPlus® Natura product range